Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 1, 2007

Now that Evan is back to school, I am spending most of my time figuring out what I want to do. That is to say, I know the things I want to do, but I don't want to do them. Does that make sense? I want to build Evan's night table, I want to hang and rewire the speakers on the deck, I want to patch and paint the ceilings in the living room and kitchen, I want to buy and install deck lighting, I want to research how and paint the D&D figurines, I want to teach myself how to play the guitar, but I am not motivated to do any of it. Instead, I did laundry and watched "Conspiracy Theory" on HBO.

We met Peter and Katie and the boys at Chik-fil-a for dinner before Evan went to soccer practice. He begins his outdoor season with his Chik-fil-a team. Although it is the same team, the coaches are different. These new coaches don't seem as patient or as good with the kids ans Tony and Sandy last year, but maybe Evan will respond to the push these coaches provide.

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