Friday, August 10, 2007

August 10, 2007

Another day down, one day closer to going back to work, although I did some work today. Not much, really, I just made some DVD jackets for some of the videos I've converted to DVD. Next week promises to be really exciting (not really). I am sure I will enjoy being outside supervising the painting of the wall in 95 degree heat. I can't wait! And of course on Friday I begin workdays before school begins. It is always an exciting and anxious time. Exciting because no matter what happened last year, you get a fresh start. Anything you feel didn't go so well you have the chance to try again and get it right. That is one of the nice things about teaching, a clean start each year. How many other jobs can promise that? On the other hand, so much depends on the chemistry of the classes. Every class is different, even if you teach the same subject. Which means that a teacher will have to vary what is done from one class to the next even if the same content is being taught. Likewise, the behavior of the students is such a variable that could cause the same variation between class periods. So there is quite a bit of anxiety regarding class composition.

I am going to try something new. I am going to add a couple or few news stories each day that I find interesting, complete with my personal commentary. So "let's run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it." (That is a line from the movie "12 Angry Men." Juror #12 is in the advertising industry and he says that they come up with these catchy little sayings to introduce new ideas.)

Today's Headlines:

The Case of Kenneth Foster: Texas Prepares to Execute Man for Driving a Car Near Scene of Murder
You have got to love Texas. They are always looking for new ways of finding someone to execute. What can you expect from the state that elected Bush as governor? Evidently, in the state of Texas, you don't even have to kill someone to earn the death penalty. Prosecution, defense, and jury all agree that Kenneth Foster was not involved in nor did he plan the murder of Michael LaHood. Foster was the driver of the car of the murderer and was some 80 feet away, in the car, when the murder took place. Now, I don't know exactly how innocent Foster is, but the death penalty? Looks like cruel and unusual punishment - the penalty does not fit the crime - which would be a violation of the 8th Amendment to the United States Constitution (it looks like Texas has a legacy of trampling the Constitution, that is why Bush was such a good fit for governor).
8th Amendment:
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel
and unusual punishments inflicted.

Dry N.C. Begs for a Hurricane
Well, if you read the article, they don't really want a hurricane, but it is so dry in North Carolina that people would almost welcome a hurricane to end the problem. Record breaking heat in the area combined with exceptionally dry air masses are also creating the potential for wildfires. Despite the unbearable heat (heat index of 105 - actual 98), I was outside finishing the wiring of the speakers on the deck/porch. I also made sure to caulk the holes to prevent the pesky wasps from gaining free entry in to the screened in porch which would, inevitably, put a damper on any dining plans we may be having at the time. But all this heat is really getting to Evan who wants to play outside during recess at school.

Visit the US Drought Monitor Website for a nationwide view of drought conditions.

Giant Lego Man Found in Dutch Sea On a lighter note, what would a giant Lego man be doing in the sea? Publicity stunt or a giant's lost toy? You decide! Check out the Video too!

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