Monday, August 27, 2007

August 27, 2007

What a long day! I stayed up pretty late last night reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (which I finished this evening!), until almost 1am. I was up at 5am, breakfast ate dressed and waiting for my ride by 6am. The day didn't seem long at all, although my voice was pretty tired at the end of it all, but not nearly as tired as my feet - I haven't stood up that long since school let out in June. The classes seem nice so far. I tried a new Icebreaker activity with the Honors World History classes, it got them moving around and talking with their new classmates. My Civics & Economics class did not have an opportunity to do an Icebreaker activity yet because they are my homeroom so I had more to go over with them. All the classes had homework on the first day, nothing major, but enough to let them know that I am serious about what I do. It probably shouldn't take any student more than 15-20 minutes to complete tonight's homework.

As I already mentioned, I finished the 7th, and final, installment of the Harry Potter series. I enjoyed it thoroughly! I won't tell you about it, in case you are planning to read it. All I will say is that it was a real roller coaster ride, at the end of which, I feel satisfied. I am pretty amazed, I read all 7 books this summer. I finished the last one a day later than I wanted, which is still pretty good, if you ask me.

Today's Headlines:

Gonzales Announces His Resignation

The Bush administration is cronyism at its finest, if cronyism is something that can be considered "fine." I can only assume that Gonzales has left now because he has sufficiently hurt the justice system that it will be difficult to gain back some of the liberties that have been lost. In his announcement, Gonzales stated that he fought to protect civil liberties, I find that a statement that will be difficult to prove. But, despite his ineptitude for the job, Bush continued to stand by his "man" Alberto Gonzales, who has been a favorite of the "President" since he was governor of Texas. No one should be surprised at this. Bush is too stupid to recognize when he makes a mistake, and too arrogant to admit to it when it is pointed out to him. I would call Bush obstinate, but that would imply that he knows what he is doing. Instead, I call him ignorant. A man not suited for the job he was "elected" to do. For more read:

All the President's Flunkies: Why Bush Stands by His Incompetents. (

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