Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007

It is finished. The seniors finished decorating the "Senior Wall" and it looks awesome. Every student has to drive by this mural when going up to the student parking lot, every visiting team will see the mural when they come to play. It is very impressive and is well worth praise. (I only hope the principal will make mention of it to give the students credit.)

Michelle and Evan left for Massachusettes this morning, they will return Monday. The house does tend to get quiet when they are gone, but I am used to it after this summer - the first where Evan was tracked in school while I was at home. It is just as well, I start back to school tomorrow. A full day of being reintroduced to the school. We will have time for meeting ALL day! It is so exciting (sarcasm). We will mainly go over plenty of things that the veterans (such as myself) already know. I am not looking forward to it, but it won't be too bad, we will have a couple of hours to work in our classrooms.
I finished "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" this morning at 1am. The end of the book just roars to the finish. All that is left is the finale, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." I have been fortunate, everyone has been kind enough to keep every bit of the story from me. I hear the conclusion is great. Some people were sad, some relieved, some in awe. We shall see.

Today's Headlines:

Former big league All-Star Offerman suspended after arrest for hitting 2 players with bat (Yahoo! Sports)

Playing for the Long Island Ducks, Jose Offerman was trying to earn a position in the big leagues and was having a decent minor league season, until he snapped. After being hit by a fastball, Offerman charged the mound weilding his bat as a club and hit the pitcher and the catcher. The injuries sustained to both players will likely end their season - catcher: concussion; pitcher: broken finger. Offerman's season is also over after being suspended by the Atlantic League indefinitely as he awaits charges of assault. I understand that people can snap, but regardless of that fact, he must be made accountable for his actions. The assault charge should stick and the suspension is well deserved. I am neither a fan of or hater of Jose Offeman, I just believe that justice should be done. Offerman may have ended his baseball career.

Bonds is playing with fire here. He is opening a can of worms. By suing Curt Schilling for remarks he made on the HBO program "Costas Now." On the program, Schilling does not pull any punches about his position on Bonds' use of performance enhancing drugs. Schilling said that Bonds' and McGwire's silence and lack of denials to allegations that they used banned substances is akin to admission (Schilling: Bonds and McGwire lack of denials tantamount to admissions - Yahoo! Sports). For this, Schilling may face a defamation of character suit. What I see soming down the road is a lawyer for Schilling who, in an effort to protect his client, who will be able to produce evidence, in court, that Bonds has been under the influence of steroids. A road that Bonds should be reluctant to take. But as I have said before, it will only be a matter of time until the evidence shows Bonds guilty of these allegations.

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