Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2007

I want to thank the few of you who read my blog each day. If you are not already doing so, subscribe. You can do so either by email or as rss feed. Use the links on the left to set it up.

Well, it has been two years since hurricane Katrina. And what have we seen? Inefficiency and waste. For all the billions of dollars that have been spent on the victims, much of it is caught up in red tape due to the private firm in Virginia that is handling the direction of these funds to the victims. I wouldn't be surprised if this firm wasn't somehow owned or run by a buddy of good ol' GWBush.

Three days down of this school year so far. I can already tell in one of my classes who will be the success stories, and who will repeat. We had a quiz today on a small amount of information that we went over in class, did a match and meet activity as well. In fact, right before the quiz began, I asked the questions that would be on the quiz. In other words, the students had to try and fail or be half asleep when the quiz was taken in order to fail. And lo! and behold, I had a few who BOMBED! I don't understand. But all in all it seems that this will be a good semester. The students all seem really nice so that is a treat. Now if I can keep my big mouth shut so I don't get into any trouble with the principal, everything should go well.

I am changing my philosophy this year, well, at least this semester. In the past I was more dedicated to the students and then I considered the curriculum. This year, I want to turn my focus to the curriculum first and the students second. I don't mean that I will neglect the needs of the students, but instead, I want to get excited about the curriculum more than the students. In that way I won't be as disappointed since I know what to expect from the curriculum, whereas on any given day, what I get from the students varies immensely. We'll see how that will go. If I find it not working, then I will turn my priorities back around.

Today's Headlines:

Porn Star and Pastor Go Head-to-Head (

OK, my opinion is not at all relevant here. So what I am going to comment on is not the porn industry but the pastor. If we read the news closely enough, and sometimes not all that closely, we will see the hypocritical nature of some of the men of the cloth. How often do we hear about church and evangelical leaders preaching against something and then we find out that they are doing it themselves? You know, things like alcohol, gambling, pedophilia, prostitution. I will not be surprised if this pastor is soon found out to be addicted to porn and own an extensive library in his closet. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if were told that he distributed porn to young boys in his congregation.

Revelers Paint Spanish Town Red in Giant Tomato Fight (USA Today)

When was the last time that you were actually allowed to throw food at someone? Every time I have heard of a food fight, someone always got into some sort of trouble. But not today in Bunol, Spain. The annual tradition of a food fight had the city in the grips of an all out tomato war! Sounds like fun to me. I may need to get my passport for next years battle.

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