Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15, 2007

I spent the day at school supervising the seniors as they decorate the Senior Wall. It is coming along very nicely. I will be there all day tomorrow, in 100-degree heat. That part should be fun (sarcasm), but the students are doing the work, they will be a bit hotter than I. Besides the weather, the other thing that bothers me is that the none of the principals have even come by to take a look at the progress. You would think that the building principal, whose ideas this was to begin with, would be interested to see what is going on. Don't get me wrong, the idea is a good one - to paint a very visible wall with supervision instead of illegally painting an intersection, in the dark, at night. I definitely approve, but the fact that he hasn't even "popped in" is disappointing.

Michelle and Evan are busy packing for they leave to go to Massachusetts tomorrow morning to return Monday afternoon. Evan is picking out his movies, toys, games and finding it to be a difficult task. That is OK, maybe he will spend more time outside playing - the weather is supposed to be much milder, highs of 70s lows in 40s.

Today's Headlines:

Petraeus Says He Will Propose Troop Cuts (USA Today)

What I really like is all the bickering in Washington about troop cuts. Republicans arguing to wait until Patraeus gives his September report. Democrats arguing that we need to be out as soon as possible. Maybe this is just what was needed for both sides of the aisle to come together for a change. Republicans get what they want because many were arguing that the troops should stay for as long as it takes (and Patraeus is showing signs that perhaps enough time has been spent there on such a large scale) and the Democrats get what they want because troops may be brought home as early as this spring. The only thing that could derail this is an excuse for the "President" to invade another country - unless this troop draw down is designed to free up soldiers for just that, an invasion elsewhere. (Remember, you heard it here, first!)

NYPD Warns of Homegrown Terror Threat (USA Today)

This is such a slippery slope there is no telling where the slide will end. If we were to look objectively, we could find terrorist possibilities among any person not happy with their government (local, state, or national). We can narrow it down to any and every demographic. This would give the government an excuse to surveil any person or group that has the slightest sound of contradicting the regime. In which case democracy will be gone, and freedoms will be a topic for ancient storybooks. Diversity, free though, individuality all fair tales and so will be the inventive spirit and scientific advancement. In their place will be fear, oppression, singular thinking, discrimination, all run by a police state. We are living in a dangerous time where everyone is dangerous and their thoughts can be incriminating. But who will be next? Which group will be singled out as terrorists?

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