Saturday, August 18, 2007

August 18, 2007

Sorry I missed yesterday, I actually had to go to work and was kind of tired by the end of the day - first day meetings are always draining. After picking Mercer up from work and hanging out at their place for a little while, Mercer and I went to Five Guys for burgers, then called it a night. I began reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." It has plenty of action right from the beginning, I like it!

Today I woke up leisurly. Read some more before I met Keith, his friends Drew and Greg, Mercer and James at Brig's for breakfast. Mercer and I went to the gym about lunch time which means I have to go back tomorrow or I am going to be hurtin' for certain! We hung out the rest of the afternoon. Pizza for dinner, then I came home. I went on to JibJab and was tinkering with a little feature they have. It is kind of funny, take a look:

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