Sunday, August 5, 2007

August 5, 2007

I was flipping through the HBOs today and happened upon "The Shawshank Redemption". If you haven't seen it (and I am pretty sure you have) it is a good movie. If you haven't, I wont give away the ending. But the saddest part of the movie is Brooks. Brooks was a lifer. In the prison for 50 years when he finally made parole. He was so afraid to leave he threatened to kill another inmate. Think, just for a second, if you were out of society for 50 years. How much different would things be? I am not yet 50, so I can't imagine back 50 years age and then say "What if I woke up today from 1957? How would I be able to adjust to all the changes?" Brooks couldn't. He was not equipped for his new reality. And ultimately, he got his life sentence. Although he didn't die in prison, it was prison that killed him. After 50 years, he thought it would be better to die than to live in fear of his new reality. Now make your own parallel to society today.

I went to see "The Bourne Ultimatum." Jason Bourne is good! Just like the first two movies, his instincts and intelligence are incredible. Ok, yes, it is a movie, but still, Jason Bourne is the ultimate weapon. If you like the first two, definitely go and see the third.

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