Monday, August 13, 2007

August 13, 2007

This morning I took Evan to school, as usual, but then went on to Leesville to supervise the seniors and their decorating of the Senior Wall. When I arrived, I was informed by the other advisors that I was not scheduled to supervise today. I never received such an email. It would have been nice to know this ahead of time, but, oh well. I stayed until just before noon and left. I saw a few people, chatted, got caught up with some news, checked out my trailer and sized it up for shelves.

Once I got home I turned on the tube, watched some TV while eating lunch. I decided on treating myself to "the best home made grilled cheese sandwiches," as Evan calls them - of course, I made them myself. Evan had soccer practice this evening, it did not rain on him, thankfully. He did well. He is really starting to get after the ball. He still shows some timidness, but is getting a little more aggressive - we are working on it.

Today's Headlines:

Rove to Leave White House Aug. 31

After six-and-a-half years, one of the little voices whispering in the "President's" ears will be "leaving" the White House. That is right, the spin doctor himself will no longer be in the employ of Bush. The ramifications? None. Rove will continue to be a whisper in Bush's ear. In fact, I am willing to bet the speed dial #1 on the Oval Office phone will be Karl Rove's mobile. Bush seems genuinely upset by this move by Rove. I guess what he will miss most are the late night visits and moonlit strolls in the rose garden where most of the secret planning to take over the world take place. Of course Bush will continue to get the same information, but it means that any discussion will be subject to warrantless phonetaps and eavesdropping since they will have to talk by phone.

So what will Rove do next? He may not be leaving as much as we think. Instead, he will continue to play with smoke and mirrors and be an "authority" on Bush's "presidency." He is going to have to in order to cover up all of the unethical and possibly illegal actions orchestrated by Rove and Cheney during this administration.

Sources: Vick Suspension Near

Michael Vick, Quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons is facing possible, and as it seems, probable suspension from the NFL. Vick is accused of involvement in illegal dog fighting that took place on one of his premises. This harsh punishment is part of the new league commissioner, Roger Goodell's, decision to crack down on players and the law. This comes after the Cincinnati Bengals had more arrests than victories during the 2006-2007 season. It is clear that illegal dogfighting took place on Vick's properties, one that he said was the residence of a family member, and not his own home. In my opinion, as the owner of the property and it not being a landlord-tenant relationship, the owner (Vick) should be responsible for actions that take place there. In the same way that the parents of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold should be held responsible for the creation and ownership of weapons used in the Columbine High School shooting. Whether or not Vick actually took part in the dogfighting events at this house is, to me, another question altogether. Simply put for me: his house, his responsibility.

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