Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 21, 2007

OK, I'm back. I am just getting acclimated to being back at work so I need some time to adjust my schedule and make time to blog. Next week will get more interesting here because the students will be back to school so I will have some additional content.

Yesterday was a quiet day, as far as meetings are concerned. We didn't have any, today, just a couple of short ones, so I was able to spend plenty of time getting my room set. Yesterday I hung shelves and a bulletin board, so I felt productive.

Well, Evan's soccer practice was cancelled tonight right after the McDonald's he was in was struck by lightning! Michelle and I were at Evan's school for Open House and Dan had the boys at McDonald's. They were waiting outside under an awning for Dan to put some things in the car in the rain when the lightning struck. It scared the bejesus out of them, it would me too! The Open House was not as I had hoped. We were in the Media Center hearing a spiel from the two first grade teachers about the content of the course. Afterwards, they had to give the same presentation again for the "second session." We did not get to ask the teacher any questions, which is just as well because I wanted to ask what the difference was between the way they teach (Core Knowledge, which was abandoned a few years ago) and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (adopted in place of Core Knowledge). I also want to know why she is handing out so many "Yellows" to students who are doing things like blowing their pencil across their desk when their head should be down.

Something that bothers me: supermarkets. I am sure you will agree, but I think ALL supermarket should be laid out the same way! When I walk into a supermarket, I want to be able to go right for what I am looking for and get out. I shouldn't have to worry that if on my way home I stop at a different supermarket than the one I normally shop that I will not be able to find what I need. There is nothing more frustrating than walking back and forth through a supermarket for a single item and not being able to find it. And I don't mean some obscure item, I mean something like yogurt.

Today I received an email from John Kerry. He was urging me to support his push to get everyone out of Iraq for a vote this September. I don't think he was in the Senate the day General Patraeus said that a draw down plan would begin in spring 2008. I think that was one of the things that was pointed out in the 2000 election that Kerry didn't spend enough time actually in the Senate. I guess that is the problem with politicians, they don't listen and they don't pay attention.

I was reading a blog on Rudy Giuliani today. Maybe you'll find it interesting. (I am trying to build traffic to my friend's blog!)

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