Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 14, 2007

If you grew up in New York during the 1980s then you remember Phil Rizzuto's commercials for The Money Store. And even if you were not a Yankees fan, you knew his catch phrase, "Holy Cow!" Rest in Peace Phil.

I had the great pleasure today of attending a workshop for the grade program used at our school. As one of the school's "contact persons" and "trainers" for the program, I was required to go. It was a complete waste of time. It did not cover anything new from last year. Fortunately it only lasted for half as long as it was billed (it ended at 12:00p instead of 4p).

Today Evan was a little disappointing. He was moved onto yellow for the second straight day for talking during the class' "Morning Meeting." What makes it disappointing is that he knows better and has done better. If this becomes a pattern we will have to do something, but I think it is just him getting comfortable with his classmates and finding where the boundaries are. Once he does, he will be fine. On the other hand, to find the silver lining, each day, Evan was talking to a different classmate. Making friends does not seem to be a problem.

I guess today is my last day of summer. That is, tomorrow and Thursday I officially chaperone the seniors as they continue to decorate the "Senior Wall." and Friday is the first official workday. I am looking forward to the new year (as I always do). I am going to have a new philosophy towards students and discipline. In addition, I am getting pretty bored at home all day. That is not to say that I don't have things to do, I have plenty, I am just not motivated to do them! Is that a bad sign?

Today's Headlines:

Ripple Effect from Migrant Crackdown Feared in N.C. (News and Observer)

This story is for Mercer's benefit. There appears to be a fear that if fewer illegal immigrants are allowed to be hired that it will effect North Carolina's economy. Yes, and no. Sure it will have an impact. Employers will have to pay their workers legal wages for their work! It will drive up prices and even bankrupt some businesses. On the other hand, legal residents will now have the opportunity to compete for these jobs that were once closed to them because they demanded too high a wage. As a result, we may see many unemployed Americans become employed in these jobs, earning a wage, and being able to afford things that they could not before. This will increase demand and will spur production. It is a situation of economic growth. But what happens to all the illegals who are now without work, are undocumented, and not known to the federal government? Where will that burden fall? I don't think they will voluntarily return to the country of origin. Some will turn to obtaining legal status, while other will attempt to wriggle between the cracks unnoticed by the government, hopefully not creating problems in the process.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Karl Rove (US News & World Report)

So you look at this story about Karl Rove and you think of the kid in high school who everybody avoids because he always has an axe to grind. The kid who is so involved in politics that none of the other kids understand him, ergo, no friends. And then what? In Rove's case, he did not let that deter him. He pushed on with his passion and rode it all the way to the top. Truth be said, regardless of my personal/political views of Karl Rove, it is admirable - but that is all that nice things I am willing to say about him. After reading number 5 on the list, I am not surprised by the "get out the vote" push he helped orchestrate for Bush during the 2004 campaign. In case you missed it, this "get out the vote" campaign was rather simple: get all the Christian conversavtives angry and fired up over "same-sex marriage" and they will get out to vote. Ingenious. Otherwise Bush would not have been able to muster enough votes on the real issues plaguing America (note althgouh Kerry in 2004 received more popular votes than Gore in 2000, Bush receive more votes in 2004 than in 2000 thanks to Rove's scheme). I do expect there to be far more things we don't know about Karl Rove that may (and many that may not) come out in the future - unless Bush makes some blanket pardons on the eve of leaving office. And if it does all come out, I can't wait to see him squirm.

Some 'Enhanced' Products Might Not Enhance Health (US News & World Report)

Hey all you health nuts out there. Yeah, you, the ones who are making sure to get all your antioxidants, B-vitamins, and other fad nutrients from "Superfoods", reaeach is showing that you may be wasting your money on nutrients you probably aren't lacking or could get in cheaper ways.

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