Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 25, 2007

Today was a pretty long day. Yesterday was pretty long too. Friday I got a ride to work from a co-worker because, as I said on Thursday, the Ford is in the shop (again). That wasn't bad, but I just hate to feel like I'm imposing on someone else. What is more, the Ford isn't done and will not be until Monday, so I will need to bum a ride on Monday, the first regular day of school - as if I don't have enough anxiety over that!

Today we went to Evan's soccer game. Bless his heart, for as much as he says he wants to be an athlete and play soccer, Evan is not really motivated, especially when it is hot. So this morning, there were many times when the ball passed right by him and he didn't even care, he watched it roll by, even the time he would have a had a clear shot on goal. I may have to spend a little more time with him, or continue to entertain this idea that he wants to play soccer until he decides he has had enough.

The middle of the day was rather boring. I remain unmotivated to much of anything. In fact, I had to find an excuse (that I can no longer remember) to blog this evening. We did, however, decide to go to Frankie's for games and dinner. We were there from 5:30 until 10:45 playing all manner of video games, some were for tickets and prizes, we rode the go-carts and we played laser tag. We had a blast. Evan, who at first did not want to ride the go-carts decided that it was the most fun he had all day. At first he wanted to make sure we went slow, but we never did. He screamed and shouted the entire drive how awesome the ride was and that he wanted to ride it again and again. I was glad for that. Laser tag was another success, Evan and I have played together three times, and all three times we won. He likes that, even though he only scored 15 points.

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