Thursday, August 9, 2007

August 9, 2007

Democrats Give in to Bush's Surveillance Demands
Again, the Constitution is being trampled. Out of fear of looking soft on terror, Democrats gave in to the White House's requests regarding Surveillance. In this case, sensationalism is winning out over principles and rights. The essence of our country and democracy is being lost. In this, the terrorists of 9/11 have been successful. Remember, the right thing to do is not always the popular thing to do.
"So this is how democracy dies - with thunderous applause." - Senator
Amidala, "Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith."

Today was a rather slow day. I didn't do too much and before I knew it, it was time to pick Evan up from school. My grandfather is slated to come home from the hospital tomorrow, which is, of course, good news. My sister had her a physical therapy session today, the first since Tuesday's surgery. I don't know how that was, but I am sure it was not without pain.

My summer is drawing to a close as beginning Monday I will be up at school supervising the seniors as they decorate the newly inaugurated "Senior Wall." Although the supervision will essentially cut my summer break short by a week, I am kind of excited to greet the students back for their final year. It is a bit exciting. I am the only advisor to stick with them since freshman year. I am looking forward to it. But I am not looking forward to doing it in the intense heat! The high temperatures everyday this week have been above 100 degrees. Today I saw readings of over 105! The air conditioner was struggling to get the house to the 77 degrees we keep it set. Evan has been disappointed at school, with it being so hot, they have not had recess. Instead they have been exercising in their classroom to a video. In addition, I did not allow Evan to attend soccer practice today. Although the practice did not begin until 7pm, it was still 97 degrees, and in my and Michelle's opinion, that is a dangerous temperature to have children running around in. We were both surprised to see that the Town of Apex did not suspend outdoor activities today due to the intense heat and the heat advisories. Tomorrow promises to be just as hot and humid as today. I know it is going to be a hot one when it is already 80 degrees, in the shade, at 8:30 in the morning!

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