Mercer and I went to a Carolina Mudcats baseball game tonight. He got free tickets in general admission. There aren't any bad seat in Five County Stadium out in Zebulon. Which is, even by Raleigh standards, red neck! Now, I don't mean this the wrong way, but to make a joke in the style of Jeff Foxworthy, "you might be a red neck if, you can not successfully keep up with the beat to 'We Will Rock You' by Queen." I mean seriously, how white do you have to be to mess that one up? Mercer and I also decided on a new Man Law today: "No man shall be allowed to wear a 'muscle T' unless they actually have muscles." It is a real simple concept, no muscles, no muscle T. End of story.
Today's Headlines:
Iceman Death Theory Shot Down A student of mine informed me that they Iceman that was found in the Alps in 1991 now has a new theory into his death. This wouldn't sound like news except that we were talking about the Iceman yesterday and today an article is released that helps to support my argument - that history can change. That is to say, what we know about the past may change as new information is discovered. Originally it was believed that the Iceman died of natural causes, exposure to severe weather while trying to cross the Alps. Then, about a decade later, forensics showed that the Iceman was subject to some violence before he died and that his death was caused by an arrow would that struck him from behind, narrowly missing his heart. A new theory claims that although the Iceman suffered an arrow wound that would likely have proven fatal, it was not the actual cause of death, but instead was a head trauma caused by a fall after sustaining the injury.
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