Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 5, 2007

Evan has been letting me sleep late this week, if you call 8:30 am late. We've kinda been keeping it low-keyed: board games mostly. We went up to Borders today so that I can pre-order Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I am very excited for it to come out (release date is July 21) but I am still two-and-a-half books behind. That is to say, I have read all the books to date, but I want to re-read them to make sure I am not forgetting anything. I want to be able figure it out, to make it a challenge as I read book 7 to predict what is coming around the corner. Look below to play a trivia game for Harry Potter.

The office is starting to come together. I am making another CD rack for in the closet to match the first one I made. We have so many more CDs now I need more storage. I cleaned out many of the books that I do not use (evidenced by the fact that I have not touched many of them in several years!) so now the shelves are mostly empty except for the mearly full shelf devoted to VHS movies, the two-thirds full shelf devoted to DVD movies, two shelves devoted to CDs, and two shelves devoted to school books. The way I see it is I have to cut down on so much of what I teach, I don't need all of the information in the many books I removed from the shelves. I can pack them away until I have a huge house with a library in which I can display all my books.

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