Monday, July 30, 2007

July 30, 2007

Evan is officially a 1st grader. This morning his stomach was in knots - a combination of anxiety, excitement, and nerves. But once he got to school he slid right back into the routine. Sitting at his table are two of his friends from kindergarten and two students he did not know. One of the familiars at his table was Cameron, his "partner in crime" from Ms. Riggins' class. Although they are at the same table they do not sit next to each other, which, if it was deliberate by the teacher, was a good idea - keep familiar students near but not right next to each other, force them to make new friends. The first day of school video will be forthcoming.

Mike Duncan, chairman of the RNC, is up to his tricks, he is now trying to bash John Edwards' stand on Iraq. In yet another email I received he points out that Edwards has changed his position on Iraq, quite recently. But what he misses is that starting to pull troops out of Iraq does not constitute abandoning Iraq to al-Qaeda. There are other ways to support Iraq and fight terrorism than by sacrificing our young servicemen and women. Political, financial, and trade support can also help the Iraqis fight terrorism in their own country. The United States can provide support, but does not need to be the front line. But the Republican National Committee only sees things as "black and white" - either you fight al-Qaeda but keeping the troops in Iraq or you abandon the fight against terrorism by pulling troops from Iraq. And that is the problem with the Republican control of the White House for the last 6 years, they do not see any middle ground, it is all or nothing for them. Bush said it himself not long after 9/11: "either you're with us or against us." What he fails to realize is that maybe other countries around the world want to fight terrorism but not on George Bush's terms. It is the very nature of fascism.

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