Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 25, 2007

Following up on a previous story, my order from still hasn't arrived. In their response email this morning they said that they will be sending out the order again and I will have it within 2 days! That leaves just tomorrow. We'll see.

This morning we woke up and watched the rest of the movie "Hook". It is a neat movie. If you have never seen it, I recommend it. Robin Williams plays Peter Pan, but all grown up and forgotten that he was once a kid. He has to make peace with himself and his young children who are kidnapped by Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman).

I spent most of the day at Rae and Jeff's fixing the rail on the front porch and then at their pool. I feel bad because I did not finish the job. That is, the problem is rot in the wood and there is more rot than we anticipated. So I got as far as I could and will leave it to them to decide the next move.

Michelle offered to take Evan to swim lessons today. Keith went to the doctor today for his knee so Mercer asked if I could pick him up from work. So I dropped Evan off at Michelle's job and continued on to Mercer's. We then went to a few stores to buy a card table and some folding chairs for Keith's birthday party this Saturday which will consist mostly of playing poker.

Dinner was at the Loop, we came home and I got a chance to relax. I am supposed to be picking up Dan, Wendy, and Aidan from the airport but their flight from California was cancelled so I will picking them up first thing tomorrow. I really feel bad for them because they have to stay overnight in an airport with Aidan, who is only almost 4.

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