Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 14, 2007

"It is bad on Friday the 13th, but it gets worse on Saturday, the 14th." At least that was the tag line for the movie "Saturday the 14th" which I found to be pretty funny, back in the day! Nah, but nothing bad today. Nice quiet day while Michelle, Evan, and Art went to the pool.

This evening we went to see the North Carolina Symphony play "Carnival of the Animals" at the Koka Booth Amphitheater in Cary. While I was there, I thought I would try something new, well, new for me...vlogging. That's right, if you haven't heard of it, it is blogging on video. And what makes this one more special if that it was done "on location." Check it out, the camera angle isn't very flattering but it was fun to do!

The second half of the show was more than half, it was about 1 hour of music. It was nice, Evan enjoyed the music and they did a little video as well. Carnival of the Animals is a childrens' book written by John Lithgow and so they put it to music with a narrator for the book. It was quite nice.

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