Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11, 2007

Happy 9th anniversary to me and Michelle. Amazing, time flies, huh? Those who were there and remember the wedding and reception, I hope you had as good a time as we did. If you were there and you don't remember, what is wrong with you!?!? And if you weren't there, I am sorry we didn't invite you! Either way, here are some pictures from our wedding.

Yesterday was MLB's All-Star game, from AT&T Park in San Francisco. The big news was Barry Bonds being elected to go by the fans in the last week of balloting. He was so excited, and it was such an honor, blah, blah, blah.... Barry, I still don't care. I am glad to see what a disappointing night you had 0-2 with 2 left on base. Bummer, couldn't even get a hit in your own ballpark. Barry Bonds is 5 homeruns away from tying Hank Aaron's all-time homerun record and the buzz is "Will Bud Selig (commissioner of baseball) be there when Bonds breaks the record?" First of all, Selig should be there. The record is broken on his watch, he should be there unlike Bowie Kent Kuhn who was absent when Aaron broke Babe Ruth's record. But, Selig should also be there because the whole steroid problem occurred on his watch as well. And if Bonds breaks this record (which clearly he will unless either Mercer or I win our bet - Mercer hopes Bonds blows out his knee and never plays again, I hope he pulls him hamstring and has to struggle to walk for the rest of the season) then Selig should be there because he allowed it to happen - Barry Bonds, has clearly jacked up on steroids since leaving Pittsburgh.

It is so bad that whenever Bonds is on TV, my son, Evan, says, "Daddy, that's the cheater."

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