Friday, July 13, 2007

July 13, 2007

Oooo, don't look now, it's Friday the 13th!

But why is this day so notorious? Way back, during the Crusades, the pope felt that the Knights Templar were plotting to overthrow him. He denounced them as heretics and sent order to have them executed. This order was carried out on Friday the 13th.

Today, was not a bad day at all. We ended up in Chapel Hill. We visited Michelle's friend Tammy, with whom she worked years ago. Then we went to Franklin St. to have some lunch and visit a sort of museum called Kidzu. Kidzu was small and consisted of several stations for kids to do some creative things. We were done in the place after about 30 minutes. Oh well, Michelle's dad paid $4/person for us to get in. I want him to get his money back, but i don't think it works that way.

After that, and a stop in Ben & Jerry's we went home before Evan's last swim lesson. And guess what? He has successfully completed Level 1! We are excited, but he was advised that he should definitely practice much more with being comfortable in the pool, jumping in, head underwater and venturing away from the wall before he attempts Level 2. We will work on it. But we also plan on keeping him going all year with swimming at indoor facilities so that he remains comfortable.

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