Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007

A pretty slow day. Evan did start swim lessons again. We enrolled him in level 1 again to help him build his confidence in the pool. His swim instructor from last session suggested that Evan get more comfortable in the pool before enrolling in level 2, even though he passed level 1. He is trying. His new instructor's name is Nolan. He seems ok, so far. One thing I like is that he teaching his lessons away from the stairs, but Evan has so far been reluctant to come off of them. Hopefully he will move away in order to get the most out of his lessons. And by the way, if you should see Evan, we are calling them "practice" not lessons since he already passed the class. He was pretty upset when we told him we signed him up for level 1 again.

We rented "The Chronicles of Narnia" today. It seems ok, but it does move kind of slowly. Evan really wasn't into it that much. He really just wanted to watch the other movie we rented, "Pee Wee's Big Adventure". He really likes that movie since we watched it back in May on HBO. At least it isn't more of the Weird Al videos, they are really starting to get on my nerves (thanks Mercer!).

I also finished re-reading the 4th installment of the harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". I really don't think I will have books 5 and 6 re-read by Saturday. So, I plan on picking up the book but not reading it until I have re-read 5 & 6. I hope having book 7 in my possession will help me to speed along reading the prior 2. We'll see.

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