Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12, 2007

They say two-and-a-half stars. I give it at least one more, maybe even full marks. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is an excellent movie. Action and intrigue throughout. Mind you, if you have read the books, there are quite a few things missing, however, if they were to include everything that was in the book, you would be watching a 5 hour movie! The story does get darker and does not have as tidy an ending as you would desire, but that is the story. The book does not end neatly, you do not leave with an overwhelming happy feeling. Those who follow the life of Harry Potter know that there will have to be some sort of final showdown between Harry and Voldemort and that will, of course, wait until the 7th book (and movie). So, things will have to get worse before they get better. The special effects were good, the acting excellent, the story good.

On the other hand, as we were leaving the theater, we noticed several families leaving, including young children - and by young, I mean under the age of 4! This movie, is by NO means a movie for youngsters! It is violent, it can easily conjure nightmares in the more impressionable. Why such young children were allowed to watch this movie, is beyond me. On the other hand, I don't always agree with the way people raise their children, nor is it my place to tell them how - I can however do it here! Lewis Black put it best, some people should required to take a test before they are allowed to have children.

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