Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21, 2007

It is decided. The winner of the crappiest actor ever award is.... Hayden Christensen. You know, Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3. His range of emotion include: 1) comatose and 2) whiny b!tch. That's all, end of story, good night.

And so it has begun. I got an email from the chairman of the Republican party. He has already began the "flip-flopping" fight. This time he is accusing Barack Obama of changing his mind on Iraq. Here is the email:

Last week, you helped us remind Hillary Clinton of her political calculations on Iraq. Her top Democrat rival, Barack Obama, has been running as a candidate for change. Perhaps now it's time to remind everyone of his changing positions on Iraq, as well.
Today, Obama supported legislation requiring most U.S. troops to be out of Iraq by April 30, 2008.

But in 2004, Obama said that a quick withdrawal from Iraq would be "a slap in the face" to the troops. And in 2006, he said that he did "not believe that setting a date certain for the total withdrawal of U.S. troops [was] the best approach to achieving" our goals. [
click here to see videos]

In May of this year, Obama promised to provide critical funding for the troops. His exact words:

"[W]hat you don't want to do is to play chicken with the President, and create a situation in which, potentially, you don't have body armor, you don't have reinforced Humvees, you don't have night-vision goggles."

Then, just weeks later, he voted against the emergency Iraq spending bill that would have provided critical funds for body armor, mine resistant vehicles, and to help combat IEDs.

By his own admission, Obama understands that our enemies will wait us out in Iraq.
But, with today's comments, it seems clear that he's more concerned with pandering to the left wing of the party than standing by his previous statements.
Contact Obama
here, and ask him to put the security of the nation and the safety of our troops above politics.

I am SO tired of this Republican rhetoric. So I actually sent an email to Senator Obama.

Mr. Obama,

Today I received an email from Mike Duncan, chairman of the RNC. He asked me to email you regarding your "change" of position on Iraq. He cited your stance in speeches in 2004 and in 2006. But I think it is Mr. Duncan who is missing the point. People change as circumstances change, and the circumstances in Iraq have certainly changed in Iraq since 2004 and 2006. As a result, I am emailing you today to tell you, contrary to Mr. Duncan's request, to be bold and vote for a change. It is not a question of whether you have changed you opinion, but instead it is whether the situation in Iraq has changed. Keep up the good work and keep up the fight.

Matthew P. Caggia
Registered Independent

Need I say more?

I also picked up my copy of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Now, if any one I know out there is reading it, please note, I have not yet finished re-reading all of the previous 6 books. So I am asking you not to tell me what happens in book 7! The suspense is killing me, but hopefully that will be more incentive to read faster!

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