Sunday, July 29, 2007

July 29, 2007

"The Simpson's Movie". Pretty funny. I enjoyed it. Go see it. 'Nuff said.

Was out late at Mercer and Keith's last night playing poker. I ended up about $2 ahead. But I gave it all to Mercer anyway who shelled out a lot of money to get supplies for the evening. we were celebrating Keith's birthday, so Mercer invited a bunch of people over. Unfortunately, I was the only person to show up, along with Darren who was visiting from Maryland. I am a bit ticked off at all the people from Mercer's job who didn't show up. I mean, I don't know them, but they were rude to stand him up like that. Especially after he spent the entire day preparing for the event. Maybe I am better off not meeting them.

Evan starts school tomorrow. He will be in 1st grade! Unbelievable! He seems excited, but we will know for sure tomorrow morning when he is getting ready. That will give me the next 2 weeks during the day to take care of what I need to here - fixing up the house or building or planning for the school year. It would have been almost 3 weeks except that as one of the advisers for the class of 2008 I have the responsibility to supervise the members of the council who will be decorating the newly inaugurated "Senior Wall" the last week before the teachers have to be back at school. I am not really all that thrilled with that idea since, just like that, I have lost the last week of summer break! And who planned the event to be that week? The class president! Hmmmm.... glad I had a say in the matter!

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