Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June 27, 2007

Why is it that a good deed cheers me up? Let me explain. I was a crabby b!tch this evening. Can't explain it, just was. I wasn't happy with Evan's swim lessons. While driving to dinner I had good cause to wonder where all the intelligent life on the planet went. So I was in a pissy mood. At dinner, if I didn't ignore the kids, who were spread out over at least 3 tables, I would have probably had a coronary. Needless to say, I was maxed (strange, since I am on vacation and shouldn't have any stress).

After dinner, I went to Target to get Michelle's prescriptions. On ewas out of stock until tomorrow. Great, so I have to go back tomorrow to get it. And then, there was a woman dragging down the main aisle a box with a filing cabinet, not that big, a two drawer, but big enough for her to struggle a little. So I offered to help her with it to the register. We carried it together, each of us holding one of the handles. When we got to the register and while she was being rung up, I got her a shopping cart and loaded the filing cabinet into it. She said she didn't need any help out to the car (which was fine, she probably didn't want to take any chance with me being some kind of psycho-killer or something). But that was enough to make me feel not quite as grumpy. In fact, I might have even had a smile on my face. Funny how by helping someone else out, I ended up helping myself. (Are real life stories still allowed to have a moral in the 21st century?)

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