Saturday, June 23, 2007

June 23, 2007

Let's see... ah yes, nothing out of the ordinary, just the customary yearly purging of my office. Too many books, no where to but them. I will probably be able to add two more boxes of books to the garage. I sure wish I had a library to keep my books in. I want to build shelves into the office here but Michelle keeps saying that if we ever want to sell the house it might hurt us when we want to bill the room as a bedroom. Maybe so, but does that mean if we live here for 15 more years I won't have anywhere to keep all those books?

Mercer and Keith came over for dinner (hot dogs and sausages on the grill and corn on the cob). George, Wendy and the girls came over for desert. Evan and Tai are playing very well together. Tai agreed to play the games Evan wanted too, and I am not so sure that they would be games she would have chosen. In the past the two of them would have a difficult time finding something to agree upon. I hope Evan remembers this next time they have the chance to play (if not, I will remind him).

We used Evan's new telescope tonight. It was cool but difficult to line up with anything but the moon, which was mostly obscured by the trees. The glimpse of it we did see was quite detailed. The craters jumped right out, it was pretty cool. I am going to have to keep trying to see the planets though. They are pretty small and difficult to line up on the telescope.

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