Wednesday, June 13, 2007

June 13, 2007

School is Out! For me at least. The students finished last week on Thursday - last day of exams. Yesterday was to be the teachers' official last day but because I was out on Monday getting back from Maine, I needed an extra day to straighten up my room. So this morning I went in to work after dropping Evan off at school.

This afternoon I went Evan's school for a scheduled conference to update us on his progress through Kindergarten. Evan is doing extremely well. He is reading near second grade level, though he can do a little better on his retelling of stories. He writes very well, socializes well, is basically above grade level on all benchmarks. I couldn't be any more excited.

I have decided to reread the entire Harry Potter series before the final book is released in July. It will be a daunting task, but I read the first book in two-and-a-half days. At that rate I will clearly be finished with the series in time. I can't wait! I want to know what will happen to Harry, Hermoine, Ron. What about Snape, friend or foe? And I hope Draco Malfoy gets his, as well as his father!

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