Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007

First Day of Summer, it doesn't seem any different than yesterday. I feel a little refreshed after an early departure to bed last night - so I attacked the bee hive in the front yard!

We had meet the teacher for Evan today. His 1st grade teacher's name is Mrs. Marquard, she earned her Masters' Degress from UB, go figure! Evan is a bit relieved to see that some of his classmates from Kindergarten will be in his 1st grade class, quite frankly, I am relieved too!

I spent a good part of today moving pictures from the Imagstation Website back to MyPhotoAlbum. Sorry Joe, I know you like Imagestation better, but I like the look and feel of MyPhotoAlbum better. If you want to see what I was up to today, and want to see any pics from the past visit:

Another feature I like is the ability to add videos right into the albums! Something I could not do with Imagestation.

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