Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 20, 2007

Good Evening. Not too much today, at least here in North Carolina. This morning we caught a 11:30 movie: Shrek the Third. It was funny. Animated movies are now using a lot of well placed music to help entertain the parents.

Michelle's uncle Bruce arrived today in Maine from California. He had just arrived there from Michigan to welcome the arrival of another grandchild, congratulations! I am not sure how long he is planning on staying in Maine. Michelle's mom had a few visitors today, including the hospice nurse. Michelle commented on how amazing it is to see how her mom conducts herself when there are "outsiders" around. According to Michelle, she sits up, greets, and converses with them. Last night, however, Michelle said that her mom was unable to swallow. I am not sure if that is the case for today.

We are doing our best to hold things together here. It shouldn't be as difficult. My stomach has been in knots for most of the day. I am sure it is stress, but from the pressures of the end of the school year, or from Marsha and her cancer, or from all things that are coming soon, including Evan's birthday party. Or maybe just a combination of all of them.

Today was interesting, the Jerry Springer show that are my neighbors across the street had another shouting match in the yard. I could not understand before why the girl keeps coming back to the abusive relationship, but today I found out why. She has no place to go. From her rants today when the guy was telling her to leave, she was shouting back that she had no place to go. She was trying to call her father, but I do not think with much success. When we got back from showing mom how to get to and from Evan's school, there were two police cars and they were talking to the sister. Later on this evening, the couple had returned, and despite how dark it was, I was able to recognize his shouting voice and her crying. So I had had it, I called the police again. I don't know if there was anything physical going on, but I am tired of the two of them shouting, arguing, and the movements of fear from the girl. And I will call the police from now on everytime there is a shouting match. The last thing I want to happen is someone get seriously hurt because I was too slow to call the authorities for help.

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