Friday, May 11, 2007

May 11, 2007

Day three sans Michelle, and I am beginning to lose my patience. It doesn't take much for Evan to get under my skin. I know it isn't fair to him, I need to find a solution.

I had a student today who decided to give me an attiude about the homework. When I was collecting the homework, I saw that many students were unable to complete the front page. I made a comment to the class and began to read the directions. While reading the directions, she interrupted me in such a way, as if I was wrong for expecting them to understand the directions. Well, in my opinion, besides the directions seeming self-explanatory to me, I continued by reminding them that I explained the directions yesterday when I handed out the homework. And that it was their fault if they didn't pay attention or ask me a question when I was going over it. I also explained that no matter how big an attitude any student thought they could have, I assured them that I can get an attitude bigger than anything they had ever experienced.

Needless to say, today was a little disappointing for a Friday.

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