Monday, September 3, 2007

September 3, 2007

It has already happened. The first weekend of the school year and I have put off my school work until the last. It is a habit I want to break. The best way, I believe, will be to stay planned further ahead so I will not have to work on Sunday evenings. This week coming up is also my first with lunch duty. I do not like lunch duty, but I also know that I am going to have to do it no matter what, so there is no point complaining about it. And yet, I still cannot understand how the principal can legally make us give up 15 minutes of our 35 minute lunch time. Is it healthy to eat a lunch in only 20 minutes? I have always been told to eat more slowly, I don't think I will have a chance to this week. In addition, I have been given the worst lunch duty possible - monitoring lunch lines for the first 15 minutes of the lunch period. My job is to keep down "horseplay" and prevent cutting into line. I have seen how many students try to get their lunch and how unruly the lunch patrons can be, so I know that this is not an easy task. We shall see. I still wish to investigate that legality of the loss of 15 minutes of a 35 minute lunch period.

Sorry no headlines today, I was too busy to really read any news today. This morning we went to Perkin's for breakfast with Mercer, Keith, and Darren. Afterwards, Michelle, Evan, and I went to Lake Johnson Pool for the last time this season. We spent a few hours there, and I spent nearly the entire time in the pool. Needless to say, I was a prune when I was done. But I don't think prune is the correct fruit, since I got more color from the sun today than any other day this summer, I am thinking of a redder wrinkled fruit, but I do not know of any. We then stopped off at Mercer and Keith's to bid farewell to Darren who returned to Maryland this evening via a 5-6 hour drive. We tried to talk him to moving down here, but I don't think it is an option for him. We will have to find another approach.

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