Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 22, 2007

101, and counting. What a busy day today is. This morning, first thing, we had to get ready for Evan's soccer game at 9:00. There was no time to relax before going anywhere, it was up, eat, get dressed, and go. Evan played well today when he was not fussing with the drawstring on his shorts. He got into the middle of things from time. He understands defense better than offense, it is clear that when on offense he is still not completely sure where to go or be. We'll work on it. Right now we a have a little bit of down time before the first birthday party I am taking him to. One of his friends from school is having her party at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham at 1:00pm. Then Aidan is having his birthday party at 4:00pm at Pullen Park Pool. And finally, later this evening, we are going to the Hibernian to listen to a band, Bull City Syndicate, play. Michelle and Evan heard them at a festival a few weeks back and they like the group. Rebecca is also coming with us. She is in town from New Hampshire so we are going to take some time to say "hi." So, yeah, a busy day. If I have time, I will fill in details about the day later, if not, I will post again tomorrow.

Today's Headlines:

Feds Target Blackwater in Weapons Probe (Yahoo!News)
What did I say? Earlier this week (September 19, 2007) I suspected that there was a connection between Blackwater and the smuggling of weapons into Iraq (which connected a story I wrote about from August 12, 2007). I don't understand what sense that makes. Blackwater's logic, if it is true, of smuggling weapons into Iraq, which would put their own employees in harms way, not to mention, of course, US soldiers. Unless, of course, the company realizes that the longer the conflict in Iraq persists, the longer they will receive funds from the US government to provide security there. Remember, according to estimates 40% of the BILLIONS of US dollars being spent there is going to private security companies. That is a huge chunk of change. See the problem of corporate finance of political campaigns and a society that is run by corporations?

Doctors Lose in Execution Ruling (
The state of North Carolina ruled that doctors can no long stall executions by threatening discipline from the NC Medical Board. The logic of the judge's ruling makes sense, the state law supersedes the NC Medical Board's decisions. On that logic, I would have to agree with the state's decision. However, I think there are bigger problems that make the system of executions unfair. And I do see the conflict between a doctor's Hippocratic oath, to "do no harm" and their duty to oversee executions. At this time, I am not really sure how I feel about the death penalty. But I do know one thing, I know the system is not a fair system and until the legal system can eliminate bias from the system itself, then executions will never be fair or justified. The simple fact remains, the more money a defendant has, the more "justice" they receive. That is to say, if you can afford a better attorney, then you can avoid some of the stiffer penalties, of which capital punishment is the most "stiff." On the other hand, I still have a problem with the death penalty's conflict with the 8th Amendment protection against "cruel and unusual punishment."

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

How is a death sentence not a cruel punishment? Where is the convict's chance to rehabilitate? Isn't the system suppose to be a Department of Corrections? Are we saying that these people can not be "corrected" that they will always be violent offenders and will always kill people? In everything else we give people a second chance, but not this? On the other hand, would I want to see myself, or family member, or friend be the next victim of someone the system thought could be corrected? But again, when else do we punish people because they may be dangerous in the future? Isn't that what the movie Minority Report was about? Not easy questions, and
definitely no easy answers - the requisites for an Average Day.


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