Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28, 2008 - Busy Busy

Much has happened since my last post.

Friday, May 23 was the long awaited Senior Assembly. My services 1st period were not needed until 8am so I started that class and went on my way to get ready for the assembly. Once the assembly got going, I didn't have to much except adorn a chair on the dais. The seniors were honored, their scholarships announced to a record amount (I am not sure exactly how much, but it was well into the millions of dollars!). After the assembly was the Senior Picnic. A nice event. The seniors are invited to a catered picnic on the football field where they get to goof around, throw a football, frisbee, hangout, whatever. And once they are done there, they get to go home. So the entire event was finished by noon. I think technically the advisors were done for the day as well, but I had a bad feeling that if I left Dr. Gainey would need me for something, and find that I had left for the day. The other two advisors left shortly after 12, I stayed until 2:00. I did some work done, but I disappointed myself, I was looking forward to leaving. I may have left if I didn't escort two of my students I caught skipping back to class. Once I was back in the class, I relieved my coverage and finished the period.

That night was the NCHSAA Women's 4A Soccer Championship. Leesville v. Ardrey Kell. The game was over in the first 11 minutes with two goals by Leesville (each by one of my students - as if being my student had anything to do with it). The final score was 3-0. Evan was at the game with me, we had a good time. During the second half we sat with the other faculty and Evan got to meet some of my colleagues, and many of them were meeting him for the first time as well. The Leesville Loonies were as crazy as always, but remained as classy and dignified as always. They are a credit to our school and our character. The head coach, who is also a member of the social studies department, has now won championships with both the men's (2)and women's (1) team at Leesville. He is a great guy and a class act! He deserves every bit of success because he earns it.

Saturday and Sunday I spent time in the yard, and hanging out with the guys. Darren was in town to visit. Evan really enjoys him and didn't want to see him go home - he left after our Memorial Day cookout Monday.

So far this week has been equally busy. The students are now clearly divided into two camps: those who don't care and don't want to try and those who are making sure to do all they can for the final push with just days remaining until final exams. The problem is that those who have given up are becoming more and more of a distraction to those around them. For example, I moved a few seats because of one talkative student in particular. All the students around him are trying hard yet he continues to distract them. At the end of the period yesterday, I warned him that when he arrived today that I am moving some seats around because he talks too much. He responded by sucking his teeth and exclaiming, "man, I don't care!" I responded with, "OK, good." When he finally arrived today (late, as usual) I pointed out his seat up in the very front of the room, he proclaimed that the seat was "too far." I was confused, "Far? It is right in the front, it seems rather close." He apparently didn't like that seat and left. I wrote a discipline referral, I think he may miss a couple more classes, but this time, not by choice.

Tuesday a student scheduled for ISS (In School Suspension) for skipping my class one day last week came to class. I informed him that he was assigned ISS and wrote him a note to get there. He never arrived. I don't think he will be attending much class either.

We also had pictures of Evan made Tuesday. With the package we bought they give the CD with all of the proofs from the sitting. I will post them soon enough.

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