Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18, 2008 - The Fight Begins

In truth, teachers are looking forward to the end of the school year just as much as the students. The main difference is that the teachers are still determined to get the job done while many students have, as we say, "checked out." By "checking out" we mean that mentally, the students are somewhere else. And for those students, the fight begins. It is a difficult fight to keep them focused, or at the very least, keep from being a distraction to the other students who are still trying. The class that gives m the greatest angst normally, is making life even more difficult. The bad news for them is as an experienced, "veteran" teacher, I now have many tricks up my sleeve. Not tricks as in I am going to trick them, but more accurately, weapons in my arsenal, or tools in my shed. They may require a little more work on my part, but I can handle it if it will make my work in he classroom less frustrating. My plan this week is to give them a quiz at the end of the period based on what we did during the period. Is this "tricky?" Now, but perhaps motivation to pay attention and do well on such a quiz in order to boost their grade. We'll see how that goes.

I survived the year anniversary of my "incident" in the class and the resulting reprimand in the Principal's office. What is even more encouraging is that I do not foresee another need for such an incident. I will sit down and do nothing before I allow my passion get the best of me and say something "inappropriate" (and I still do not agree that what I said was inappropriate when students tell me, every time I mention what I said, that other teachers say far worse and nothing ever happens to them!). More good news is that this week will be short one for me. That is, my second period (my biggest headache) will see me two less days: Thursday is the rehearsal for the Senior Assembly, and Friday is the Senior Assembly. Friday is an even bigger bonus since I will not be attending any of my classes in order to be involved in the Senior Assembly that takes place during second period and the Senior Picnic that takes place during third period. I am very excited about that. And once the picnic is over, all that I have to worry about as an advisor for the Senior Class is the Senior Gift (of flagpoles and flags for the stadium) and graduation. I will certainly be glad when this week is over - that is once Thursday is over!

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