Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008 - Downhill Run

As they say, it is all downhill from here. 16 school days until exams (14 for seniors). The last Interim Reports of the school year went out Friday and (most) were returned today. Parents have begun to be concerned about their child's progress. The "Close-of-School" Bulletin has been issued. This is the most pivotal week of the end of the year. This week marks the push the students will make down the stretch. Students on the borderline will either make it or fail based on this week. If they put off the effort they will fail themselves, but if they make that push, they will make the grade. Next week will be too late to turn it on.

Plans for Evan's annual big birthday blowout are (almost) underway. We have ideas for the invitation. We know we still have reserve a "bounce-house". I need to call an electrician to come out and wire the deck so we can finally have lighting, but I am sure I will need to get the permit for the deck before any electrical can be done since electrical work will need to be inspected. I better look into that too. I hope the general rule applies here, "it is better to ask forgiveness than permission," but I doubt it.

Last week a cyclone hit Myanmar resulting in thousands of deaths, and the count continues to rise. It has taken a week before the military government in Myanmar allowed any aid into the country. My guess for the delay is that the government is using this cyclone to retroactively cover up thousands of political executions that it has conducted since its coming to power. They are going to use the cyclone to account for the thousands of political deaths.

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