Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008 - 15 Days to Go

Pretty much an average day. But for this time of year, average is different than any other earlier time. The weather is really turning beautiful, the students are finding it easier to be distracted, so the challenge is on me to keep them focused. I can do it, at the same time, the students have to be willing to cooperate.

I keep a folder for each year that I teach. It includes professional documents, licensure materials, renewal credits, etc. It was suggested by our NCAE representative at our school that we keep all f this sort of documentation at home. She reminded us that if a teacher runs afoul with the school district, they may be legally ordered to not return to school until the matter is settled. If your professional documentation is at school, the teacher will not have access. So I was looking through this year's folder to discover that I have not completed my IGP - Individual Growth Plan. This is a yearly document (hoop through which to jump) the sets out my professional goals. Each year there is usually a school-wide goal. I discovered that I have not yet met that goal and I am pretty confident that when I have my final review with the Assistant principal that he will want to see proof of meeting this important school-wide goal. As a result, I had to carry through with a tentative lesson plan I have been working on which will require time in the media center and probably more intensive grading on my part. Not what I was looking forward to as the year comes to an end.

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