Friday, August 8, 2008

August 8, 2008: No Chance Now

Just in case John Edwards ever had a chance of working in the White House, I am pretty sure he blew it. Edwards admitted today to having an extramarital affair while his wife is battling breast cancer. Not good for the image there John, not good.

Edwards Admits to Affair, Denies Fathering Child (Yahoo! News)

In case you haven't noticed, I have been watching a lot of movies this summer. Today, on HBO, I watched The Reaping with Hilary Swank. That is, Hilary Swank is in the movie, she wasn't at my house watching the movie with me (but that sure would have been nice!). It is confirmed, Hilary Swank is hot! She has played a lot of roles which required her to be very different people, she played girl who wanted to be a boy in Boys Don't Cry, a boxer in Million Dollar Baby, an inner-city high school teacher in Freedom Writers, and an ordained minister who lost her faith and becomes a college professor who sets out to debunk would-be miracle in The Reaping. The movie, 3.5 out of 5 stars for me, but 5 out of 5 for looking at Swank!

I have found that each weekday flies right by me. I get up and get Evan to school, take my time at the gym, to get home sometime between 11:30 and noon. About 1 or 1:30 I eat lunch and watch a movie, then it is time to pick Evan up at 3. I have been leaving myself about an hour to an hour-and-a-half to get anything done around the house (between the gym and lunch). With just 4 weekdays left until I go back, I may want to lay off the movies and get some more done around the house.

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