Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 14, 2008: Bittersweet

Today was bittersweet. It was my last day before going back to work (for which I am not at all prepared). I passed on going to the gym today for two reasons, 1) I had a softball game this evening and I didn't want to get too tight, and 2) Evan had early release and I wanted a little time to myself at home. It was nice to hang with Evan most of today before I go back to work tomorrow, but it didn't go as planned. I spoke with Evan last night about going to lunch after school. He did not want to today, instead he just wanted to go home. I was a little disappointed. Then the day dragged on a bit. We finally finished putting together some Legos that we began last year sometime (it all got put away and we never thought about finishing it until Evan asked today). This evening, Michelle was going to take Evan to soccer practice for 6pm while I had a softball game for which I had to arrive at 6:15. Well, Michelle got held up at work so I got Evan all dressed and ready to go so Michelle could just pick him up and go, and I got myself ready for softball. I arrived at about 6:30. One important note here, Cary is too damn big! Tuesday I had a game all the way at one end of town (Middle Creek), about a 25 minute drive, and today I had a game at the other end of town (Thomas Brooks Park - USA Baseball Center), about a 20 minute drive. Cary keeps growing and it is getting on my nerves. By the way, we lost our game tonight in extra innings, 14-13. Oh well, it was a good game any way. I have been splitting time with other guys out in Right-Center field. I made a diving stop today that I thought might have been a catch but the umpire ruled it a trap. Its OK, the ball didn't get past me and they said it looked good - that's what is important, right?

I also found out today that the 6th Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be opening July 17, 2009 instead of this coming November. Their reason was to take advantage of an open weekend in the summer schedule. I could understand if it was being put off because they were not finished or if it was only a week or two, but eight months?!?! This is ridiculous. It sounds just like NBC's coverage of the Olympics, think of themselves and their bottom line first before the fans. I am really getting sick of corporate America. Read the article:

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