Sunday, August 10, 2008

August 10, 2008: Last Tune Up

Today was our last practice before the softball season officially starts. Our first game is Tuesday evening. My shoulder felt much better today. I was able to warm up with the heavy tennis ball, it really loosened up my shoulder. The heavy tennis ball is simply a normal tennis ball with a slit cut into it in order to fill it with pennies. It makes the ball much heavier than a softball so when you actually throw the softball it feels as light as a balloon. I also found out that I am the youngest male on the team. At 37 was surprised. What is worse, I feel the least in shape compared to the other men. I guess that is why I am going to the gym nearly everyday.

Michelle donated the day bed today. She gave it to a coworker. It isn't really sad, but it was Evan's first bed, and had been for such a long time. I remember tying the day bed and trundle together to make a gigantic sized bed for Evan early on. We thought that since he was so restless at night the huge bed would make it easier for him. I think we were mistaken. Eventually we shrunk the bed back down to size. I am really glad Evan likes his new bed. He loves the loft and plays up there whenever he can. He loves to show it off whenever someone new comes over. If he didn't like his new bed, I am sure we would hear about how he misses his old bed.

This is my last week of the summer coming up, and no, I am not looking for sympathy. I doubt I would get it from anyone who hasn't been off for the last eight weeks! I am not as disappointed as I have been with my summers in the past. In years past I have felt like I have not done enough with Evan, but this year it is different, I feel we did plenty. So I do not go back with any regrets. I hope that will make me better prepared, mentally to start the semester.

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