Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12, 2008: Now Batting....

It sure was good to get back onto the field today. We had our first softball game of the season tonight, and I had a few jitters. It has been two years since I last played ad I was worried about making a mistake now with a new team. I was flattered to find out that they had me batting lead-off when I have never played with them before. I guess Katie put in a good enough word that she convinced them I am good. A few things went my way, no one hit the ball to me, and both of my at bats I reached on errors by the second baseman (and I ended up scoring both times too). They did get to see that I can be an aggressive base runner and that I do have some speed. But most of all, the good news is that I think I am over the jitters and next game I should be able to go out and play instead of worrying that I will mess up. Another good thing was that since no one hit the ball to me I didn't have to throw the ball. If I had, I think they would have known my shoulder is still in bad shape. I am going to try and play through it and see if it will get better.

The weather was beautiful today. This afternoon I went out in the back to diagram the deck in the hopes of getting a permit. I discovered, much to my disappointment, that the deck, as is, is not up to code. My concrete footings are not big enough. Which means that in order to make it right, I will have to re-pour new footings. In order to do that, I will have to prop up the deck in order to replace some of the footings. I am not looking forward to that task. (I will add some deck pictures soon).

I also had a trip to the dentist today. Just a regular cleaning before we go back to school. And, as usual, a clean bill of health. It is nice going to the dentist because they always flatter me on how nice my teeth are, and how lucky I am to have inherited such strong teeth.

Tomorrow, on the other hand, I have a dermatologist appointment. I need to go because of the many spot I have developed over the years that should be looked at. I am anticipating at least a few being removed and biopsied. I am really not looking forward to it, on the other hand there are a few things I will be glad to be rid of.

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