Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1, 2008 - In New York

Evan and I have been here in New York since Saturday night. We have been spending plenty of time with my parents and my sister. It has been fun. We have also been keeping busy, although today we are laying low and relaxing. You can see pictures at the links below.

Sunday: Visit Grandpa in the Rehab center, play miniature golf, Dinner with Ag and Eric at their apartment

Monday: Atlantis Aquarium in Riverhead

Tuesday: Just hanging out, not up to much, Ag came to my parents

Wednesday: Not sure of the exact plans yet, but Evan thinks we are going into the city to the Bronx Zoo. But, we instead got tickets to the circus at Madison Square Garden. He has no idea. I am sure he will be exstatic since he was so disappointed that he didn't get to go when the circus was in Raleigh (he had the flu). We are also planning on meeting up with Lisa before the circus, however I have not yet got intouch with her about it. We shall see.

Thursday: Hang out until the afternoon when we return home.

Baseball season is officially underway, and the Mets' key acquisition, Johan Santana (from the Twins) dominated the game opening day. Let's hope that the Mets can start off as hot as last season and sustain some of that energy for the rest of the way (unlike last year). The newspapers here in New York are still calling the Mets' missing of the playoffs last year an "end of season collapse." As I pointed out in my post September 29, 2007, their missing the playoffs was no last minute collapse, but was a long decline over the course of the season, from June on.

Fuel prices remain high, and are predicted to break the $4.00/gallon mark this summer. And on Capitol Hill, the biggest fuel companies denied they have anything to do with it. In fact, they claim that despite making record profits, they are doing average for the industry and just slightly above average for the Dow Jones Industrial Average for major companies. And, of course, there is "W" promising to veto any legislation that will cut into money received or earned by these major oil producers. More at Matt's Meandering Meditations...

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