Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17, 2008 - Half My Life Ago

From time to time I get to thinking about my life mathematically. That is to say, I think of my age and figure out how old I was half my life ago. Then I try to determine what type of things I was probably doing. Well, about half my life ago was October, 1989. I was a freshman in college. And for some strange reason one morning on my way down the elevator to get some milk to put in my cereal for breakfast I passed out and hit my head. (True story). I was out for, at most, two seconds. I was in the elevator with another guy from on the hall. I don't remember his name, but I do remember that he was definitely one the nicest guys on the hall. If my memory serves correctly, I believe he was in the army reserves. (Not important for the story). He helped off the elevator and into a seat in the cafeteria on the ground floor of the dorm. He asked I was OK, I said I was, and so he left for class. A second later he was there and said he was taking me to the infirmary in the dorm. What actually happened was that he went out to catch the bus but could still see me through the window. He told me that I still didn't look too good so he felt he had to help me, he would just have to be late for class. The EMTs in the infirmary called an ambulance and took me over to the main infirmary on the other campus.

I was in the infirmary a week. Blood drawn twice a day. Though I felt fine, I was not allowed out of bed for fear that I may pass out again and hit my head. I went days without a shower, no change of clothes, no toiletries. All the while no body could tell me what had happened. (To this day I have no idea what caused that episode - but I have an idea, though Michelle would disagree). My roommates finally brought me a few changes of clothes and my toiletries. After a week, I still had no answers, neither did the doctors. I made an executive decision - I'm getting out of here. The nurses reluctantly allowed me to check myself out, and my roommate Eric (I think his name was) drove me to the hospital to try and get to the bottom of what happened. I was seen in the ER, blood tests were done, I was checked for an ulcer (I was not expecting that, very uncomfortable) - still nothing.

My parents decided that I was to come home, but I could not just fly by myself, the doctors at the infirmary did not clear me to fly (as if I was going to be the pilot or something) unless someone traveled with me. My father got airline tickets for himself and me from their good friends Terry Costello (a travel agent at the time). At this time I felt fine, 100%. I tooled around Freeport for a week since my parents were planning to drive up to Buffalo for parents/homecoming weekend. But that week in between was one of the most important of my life.

I spent a lot of time hanging out at the high school, especially in the band office with Mr. Turner and Mr. Koski. Students would come in and out, and as seems to be the case everywhere, students like hanging out in the band office with their band teachers. One such student was Michelle. Now, we knew who each other were even though she was two years (I guess she still is) younger than I, but we never really knew each other or hung out or anything. But hanging out in the band office we got to know each other quite a bit. In fact this was the week when we began to date for the first time even though I left to go back to UB at the end of the week.

People will say that everything happens for a reason, but I know that my passing out that day without a medical reason was so I could meet Michelle. And today, here we are 18 and half years later (half my life later) happily married, with an awesome son. I guess I was pretty lucky to pass out and hit my head that day, half my life ago.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 13, 2008 - Do It Yourself

I spent a good part of the Saturday putting together furniture for the new office. I was somewhat excited to do ti and get it done. The first piece went smooth as silk, the second - defective. This is now the second piece, out of five, that I received for my office that was defective. In addition, each package contains enough waste to fill half a landfill! With all the styrofoam and cardboard in the packages I have to take it out to the trash over several weeks because it won't all fit into our garbage container. Ah, the benefits of building it yourself. But all that packaging is important so that is does not get damaged on the long trip from China. Without it, all the pieces will be damaged, instead of just my 40%. What ever happened to the days of things being made right here in the United States? And what ever happened to receiving them already assembled?

My frustration was the icing on the cake. I wasn't really in the mood yesterday to go to the prom. But by the time I finished being frustrated with the second piece of furniture, it was already after 7:30pm and the prom began at 7. Sure I could have still made it, but I was hungry, needed a shower and a shave, and my blazer is dirty. So at that point, I opted not to go even though it was the prom for the class I have been the advisor for the last four years. Michelle warned me about making a decision I may later regret. The way I see it is that the students will be far more interested in seeing each other than their advisors and teachers. I don't remember which teachers were at my prom. I don't even know who my class advisor was when I was in high school. Besides, I would have felt a bit weird taking pictures of the officers of the senior class (who I have worked most closely with the last 4 years) just so I could remember them. Creepy.

Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11, 2008 - Yay Friday!

Whew! Friday is finally here! It is inexplicable, any week with a workday always ends up being more exhausting. Why is that? As mentioned earlier this week, Monday was a teacher workday, a day without students - a chance to catch up and, for the lucky, get ahead. But for some reason, the ease of Monday has been made up for in the remainder of the week. That is to say, I had five days worth of stress crammed into four days. Ugh!

Report cards for the third quarter were distributed today. In most cases, the students are not surprised since most teacher will give their students a grade report at the end of the marking quarter. One of my students, I cannot remember if I mentioned this student before, is one of the biggest "trouble students" I have taught in a LONG time. That being said, she easily failed for the third quarter (note, since Wake County uses a "block schedule," each course is only one semester long). Her average was a 50%, literally. But my experience has taught me that a student that feels they have no chance to pass a class is going to be a bigger distraction to other classmates. As a result, I have adopted a policy of giving those students a chance by bumping their failing grade from, in this case, a 50% to a 63%. Although a 63% is still failing, it only requires the student to earn a 77% in the second half of the course in order to go into the final exam with a passing grade. Most students who need this boost, usually start off the 4th quarter (or 2nd quarter if it is the 1st semester) really well. Keep in mind that "really well" is a relative term. But in the least, they start out with much greater effort. So this semester's "trouble student" is off to a much better start. In fact, she has committed herself to this class since it seems that mine is the only class she has a chance to pass this semester. My hope is that her behavior will respond accordingly since she will very much want to pay attention in class and keep up with her work. I am hopeful, but unfortunately, not optimistic. Updates to come.

The office is coming together. I have been moving slowly this week with putting the office back together with the new furniture. I have assembled the desk and hutch and I plan on moving the computer from the folding table to the desk before assembling the other pieces. I am getting excited for it to be done. And even better, I am excited to purge my office clutter. Much of what came out of the office will not return!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 9, 2008 - New Office

Most of the time when people talk about getting a new office they are referring to on the job. But not me, I don't have an office, per se. I am talking about my home office. As I mentioned a few days ago, while Evan and I were in New York, Michelle, with the help of Dan and his dad redid my office. They pulled up the carpet, and installed Pergo flooring. They tore down the wall paper and painted. Michelle even bought my new office furniture! It is nice! The problem is that in order to redo the office, my room exploded into the living room! It is amazing to see how much stuff I had crammed into this small room. But all this clutter is stressing me out! I began putting the furniture together today, and I will do it one piece or two per day and this weekend I will move back in and purge my clutter in the process.

Today I finally mowed my front yard. And believe it or not, it is actually starting to look better! There are places without grass yet, but over all, most of the weeds are gone and the grass looks healthy. I am happy with the result and can't wait until I get grass where some has yet to grow.

School was OK today. But clearly it is never too soon to begin reviewing. I am a little worried that by the end of the semester the students will remember very little from the beginning of the semester. I think it is even more frustrating now because I expect the students to at least half remember things we learned before spring break. But the next question is, with so much of the curriculum yet to teach, how will have the time to review in class as well?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8, 2008 - Back to Business

So it has been a few days since I have posted. I guess I needed the time to recuperate from the North Carolina sports disaster that was Saturday. I went from following three sports to just one in a matter of a few hours. First, the Washington Capitals beat the Florida Panthers securing the final playoff spot in the east and eliminating the Carolina Hurricanes in the process. Well, it is actually the third spot since the Capitals won the southeast division. Hockey - done. Then UNC Tar Heels get their @ss handed to them by the Kansas Jayhawks in their Final Four match up. College basketball - done.

But at least I still have baseball. Ahh, baseball. How relaxing. A sport you can truly fall asleep to. Perfect for the long days I have off in the summer. And how about those Mets? Last place already. Great. If it weren't for fantasy baseball, I guess I wouldn't really care about baseball yet.

Yesterday, was my birthday. I turned 37 yesterday, but I don't feel any older than I did last week. In fact, in my mind I still think I am in my early twenties, but my body will, from time to time, remind me that I am not doing enough to keep it feeling as young. I did work on my birthday. It was a teacher workday. This is a day without students where teachers get the chance to catch up or get ahead in their plans or grading. Fortunately I was able to use it for some of both. Since the marking quarter ended with the beginning of spring break, I had one set of papers to grade and enter into the grade program at school. So, even though I officially worked yesterday, any day without the students doesn't feel like work. Last night we went to dinner at Biaggi's. For desert I had the cannolis - two sweet ricotta cream filled shells - my favorite. But what was even better, the waiter saw that one of the cannolis was not filled completely, so he brought a third. Bonus! Happy Birthday to me!

School is back in after Spring Break. The students seemed rested, and apparently, I am as well. I was at work this morning before 6:30 (I don't officially have to be at work until 6:55). I got a few last minute things done before class began. And when it did begin, I was ready! My energy level was high and my lesson plan was working. I had a good day. It is always a good day when I mix up the activities we do in class. Today the students in World History, for example, began with seat work (locating map items) followed by researching people of the Scientific Revolution, then on to discussion about those people, and finally a crossword puzzle to end the period. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Friday, April 4, 2008

April 4, 2008 - Back Home

Evan and I had a nice time in New York with my parents. We really did do a lot in a short time. And we have plenty of pictures to show for it!

It was nice today to sleep late in my own bed though. Evan and I laid low most of the day until we met Michelle to buy some new office furniture. So not only did the office get a makeover, I am getting some new furniture to boot! Nice. Happy Birthday to me. Thanks Dan and Barry for helping Michelle, especially with the floor. That sure was a great birthday present.

Tonight we went to the Hurricanes game. It was the last of the season, and all they had to do in order to ensure a spot in the playoffs was to win against a non-playoff team. And they lost, 4-3. So it is very possible that they could miss the playoffs altogether. They may not have enough points to make the top eight in the east and if the Washington Capitals beat the Florida Panthers tomorrow (the team that beat the Hurricanes tonight) then the 'Canes will go from 3rd in the east to out. So for now, the collective Caniac Nation holds its breath.

Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the latest unemployment data. Needless to say, it was not good. That is to say, unemployment increased again, for the third straight month. Read my thoughts at "Matt's Meandering Meditations".

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April 2, 2008 - NYC

Today was a pretty busy day, well once it got started. Evan figured out that we would be going to the circus today. So the surprise was gone and he didn't seem disappointed that we wouldn't be going to the Bronx Zoo. Since the circus began at 7:30pm I decided that we didn't need to get into the city too early. I planned for a train around 2pm in order to get into the city around 3pm-ish. Once we got to the city we had some time to kill so we went to the Central Park Zoo, which, by the way, is nothing like the Central Park Zoo portrayed in the movie "Madagascar." In fact, it is a very small zoo without much to see. I was disappointed but it was just as well because we didn't feel rushed or that we missed anything and we left just in time to meet Lisa for dinner. It worked out nice. I will add pictures to this post soon.

The circus was fun even though it was the "Blue Show." I bet you didn't know that there are three shows for Ringling Bros. circus? There are, and they alternate venues each year. The "Red Show" features the clown Bello and a 3-ring circus (this is what I was hoping we would see). The "Blue Show" features a single ring but more of a story involving the Ring Master. And the all new "Gold Show" seems to feature far more animals (I have yet to see a Gold Show). The Blue Show this year is titled "Over the Top" which pits the Ring Master against the lead clown in a competition over who can put together the better circus/show. But in the end, they finally agree that they can put together a better show if they work together. I will add pictures to this post soon.

By the time the circus was over and we got back to my parents it was after 11:30pm and Evan was wiped out. It is pretty late here and that is why I will be adding picture to this post tomorrow, either from my parents, or from home - Evan and I have a 3:55pm flight from JFK tomorrow. But, since Michelle and Dan completely made-over my office while Evan and I were away, I may not be able to do picture from home tomorrow. I might be best to try and do it before I leave here. We shall see.

Here are the pictures of the circus!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1, 2008 - In New York

Evan and I have been here in New York since Saturday night. We have been spending plenty of time with my parents and my sister. It has been fun. We have also been keeping busy, although today we are laying low and relaxing. You can see pictures at the links below.

Sunday: Visit Grandpa in the Rehab center, play miniature golf, Dinner with Ag and Eric at their apartment

Monday: Atlantis Aquarium in Riverhead

Tuesday: Just hanging out, not up to much, Ag came to my parents

Wednesday: Not sure of the exact plans yet, but Evan thinks we are going into the city to the Bronx Zoo. But, we instead got tickets to the circus at Madison Square Garden. He has no idea. I am sure he will be exstatic since he was so disappointed that he didn't get to go when the circus was in Raleigh (he had the flu). We are also planning on meeting up with Lisa before the circus, however I have not yet got intouch with her about it. We shall see.

Thursday: Hang out until the afternoon when we return home.

Baseball season is officially underway, and the Mets' key acquisition, Johan Santana (from the Twins) dominated the game opening day. Let's hope that the Mets can start off as hot as last season and sustain some of that energy for the rest of the way (unlike last year). The newspapers here in New York are still calling the Mets' missing of the playoffs last year an "end of season collapse." As I pointed out in my post September 29, 2007, their missing the playoffs was no last minute collapse, but was a long decline over the course of the season, from June on.

Fuel prices remain high, and are predicted to break the $4.00/gallon mark this summer. And on Capitol Hill, the biggest fuel companies denied they have anything to do with it. In fact, they claim that despite making record profits, they are doing average for the industry and just slightly above average for the Dow Jones Industrial Average for major companies. And, of course, there is "W" promising to veto any legislation that will cut into money received or earned by these major oil producers. More at Matt's Meandering Meditations...