Thursday, November 22, 2007

November 22, 2007

A feast: turkey, and/or ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato pie, green bean casserole. A spread fit for a king. All day spent cooking and all evening spent eating. Aren't we fortunate to be able to eat this way with our family? All that food and time, how special is that? Of course it is very special. And what many of us forget is that there are some families that save money to provide a modest feast on Thanksgiving, while others could afford to eat that way once a week or more. On this Thanksgiving, what I am thankful for is all that I have. So much that I take for granted, including my health and family and modest home. All are more than many can afford.

For example, Christmas is a huge holiday. We buy gifts for each other and exchange them on or around Christmas day. But all the while we buy ourselves some of the many things we want along the way: clothes, games, toys, tools, etc. What we forget is that there are many people who must save up for these purchases to give on Christmas, without much left over to give or buy at times in between. The tell tale sign at school are coats. Come Thanksgiving time, some students have been wearing the same coat all year (save the warm months), and by now, they smell dirty. After New Years', these students come back to school with new coats that do not smell. The coat as a Christmas gift. Money saved to give a new present of a coat. We are fortunate, if I need a new coat, I buy it, be it October, November, February. I would feel jipped if I got a coat for Christmas.

Think it over. What do you have? What do you take for granted? What do others' have or need?

Be thankful.

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