Monday, November 12, 2007

November 12, 2007

Today was an "Evan and Daddy day" as we like to call it. That is, Michelle had to work and we were off from school so we had our customary breakfast at Perkin's restaurant. We made plans to bowl with Peter and the boys at 12:30. That was fun, but of course the kids mostly just wanted to get their game over so they could hit the gameroom and win their tickets so they could turn them in for "prizes," a.k.a. junk. In between, I brought Michelle's laptop over to Firedog at CircuitCity so they could check the powered component of the USB ports in question. They said that they did not have that capability their to test such a problem, but the tech did make me feel better by saying that he has seen more problems with iPods than you would think. In fact, if the second iPod was in the same shipment as the first one I returned, then they could all have been fitted with bad hard drives, which is now what I am hoping. So I returned now the second iPod to BestBuy hoping that the latest is from another batch and will not have a bad HD. (I hope I am not just deluding myself and that the problem is with Michelle's laptop)

Speaking of bowling, I don't know if you saw this video. It is from a couple of years back. It is still pretty funny.

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