Monday, October 8, 2007

October 8, 2007

mo-sa-ic (moh-zey-ik), n., adj., v., -n. 1. a picture or decoration made of small, usu. colored pieces of inlaid stone, glass, etc.

Did you the definition of mosaic? If you saw one, would you know you were looking at a mosaic?

Believe it or not, a senior, that's right, a senior, in my Civics and Economics class could not tell me what a mosaic was. We were discussing different opinions of America: "melting pot", "salad bowl", and "cultural mosaic." This senior could not understand the metaphor of "cultural mosaic" because he did not know what a mosaic was.

Congressman Roman Pucinski in 1970 described American society as a “cultural mosaic” when he said that he objected to the tendency

. . . to homogenize [blend] 200 million human beings into a single monolith
[single block of stone], instead of recognizing that America is a magnificent
mosaic, made up of many cultures . . . I find the whole idea of the melting pot
frankly very repugnant [distasteful]. I don’t want to be melted down into a

Yesterday my Media PC died. It just wouldn't turn on. After getting over the initial shock, I suspect that it was either the power supply or the power switch. I brought the machine to Mercer and through some troubleshooting and switching out parts, we discovered that it was the power supply. So now I am down to one computer until I have an opportunity to get over to Tiger Direct and pick up a new one. I might have some difficulty this week because my schedule is ridiculous. I thought it was over once the sporting events ended today with Evan's soccer practice. Oh, no. Not by a long shot. This week is homecoming and so we have a parade float to work on. In addition, there is a tradition of senior crowns. These are Burger King crowns that are spray painted blue and green (school colors) and then distributed to the seniors. It is up to the senior how they want to decorate their crown to wear on Friday, which includes a pep rally and the homecoming parade. Basically, everyday this week is booked after school because in addition school responsibilities, I will need to pick Evan up from Michelle's work while he is tracked out this week. I am seriously putting in a motion to have him enrolled into a trackout program in January. It is too much for all three of us to keep this schedule while he is out of school.

Darren was here this weekend. It was a nice visit, even though he got to watch the Yankees win game 3 last night against the Indians. (Sorry, I have to give Darren a hard time, he is #1 on my hated Yankees fan list). Yeah, I know, the Mets didn't even get this far, blah, blah, blah. So what else is new? Mets fans are used to it by now!

Today's Headlines:

Marion Jones Surrenders Medals from 2000 Games (
First Floyd Landis, now Marion Jones. Are you surprised? I'm not. It only makes sense that she should lose the medals. In addition she also must wait out a 2 year ban from competing. I didn't know she was still competing. It is only a matter of time when sports in the US get as serious as these international agencies with regard to doping.

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