Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5, 2007

Check out my schedule for the week, beginning this past Wednesday:

Wednesday: Hockey Game - Hurricanes v. Canadiens
Thursday: Evan's Soccer Practice
Friday: Hockey Game - Hurricanes v. Penguins
Saturday: Football Game: UNC v. Miami (FL)
Sunday: Evan's Soccer Game
Monday: Evan's Soccer Practice

Whew! Good thing it is all leisure activities and not work! So if I get a little behind in the blogging, I think you could understand why.

Today was an interesting day at work. I was tired, which is usual for a Friday. The school bulk copiers are both down and no repairs will be started until Monday, not that it matters, our copy ladies is out today anyway. It is amazing how much power the "copy lady" has in a school. Without her and the school will practically have to shut down. So I spent the morning finding alternative methods of getting my front-to-back copies for the day. My back was against the wall this morning because my busy schedule this week has left me unmotivated to try and work when I finally get home. So I spend my planning period (1st period) making sure I have everything I need for the day. I better break out of that habit before next semester when my planning period switches to the last period of the day.

Today my last period class would not take any cues to be quiet to start class. Some 10 minutes into class it was as if the bell hadn't even rung yet to begin. As a reward, I gave them a pop quiz on last night's homework. I was disappointed in them for behaving that way, and I was also disappointed that they did so well on the quiz (is it wrong that I was disappointed they did well?). For me, this is surprising behavior for an honors class. But it was the last period on a Friday.

After school, the senior class council had its weekly meeting in my room and then continued their feeble efforts at a parade float for the Homecoming Parade, which lasts all of 10 minutes, next Friday, during 4th period. It is a good idea but it is done so poorly! These students will spend 3 weeks and spend a couple of hundred dollars to build a parade float for a 10 minute parade that won't even be seen during the Homecoming football game. The argument against the parade during halftime of the game is that the cars/trucks pulling the trailers will damage the track. Here is an idea, don't waste the students' and advisors' time with this nonsense!

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