Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 14, 2007

I think I now have time for a breather. Whew. The last couple of weeks have been brutal. I have survived, and no worse for the wear, thank goodness. Our parade float (the Class of 2008) won the competition - our first victory in that particular competition. Our football team destroyed the opposition in their homecoming game, 51-0, and remains undefeated at 9-0. Incredible! We have a great team and an excellent group of coaches. And I don't just mean their coaching ability, but they are also good guys. Keep up the good work, all around!

Last night, Mercer and I went to Goodnight's comedy club to see a friend perform his comedy routine. He and two other locals opened up for Victoria Jackson or Saturday Night Live fame. Now, I have never been a big fan of Victoria Jackson, her voice annoys me along with her ditzy performances. On the other hand, Big A was hilarious! He was the funniest act of the night. I am really glad I decided to go see him!

Today I played in a softball game with George's work team. They all seemed like nice guys and gals. As it turned out, this was their first win of the season. I'd like to say I had something to do with that, but let's be realistic. My defense in left field was solid. My batting was suspect. I popped up to the infield twice in two at bats. So much for the line drives I usually hit. I think I was a bit anxious and a little rusty. The ironic thing is that I came into the came expecting things to go opposite, good batting and poor fielding. Fortunately for me, according to George's scouting of his own team, the bats aren't the problem, it is more the defense. So I guess to an extent I helped by locking down left field today. Ah, October softball.

Today's Headlines:

House Dems Vow Continued Push for Health Plan (
Did you know, the United States government is the only "industrialized" nation in the world that does not provide health care for its citizens? I did not know that. I bet you didn't either. (Did you also know that the United States is the only nation in the world to use nuclear weapons in war? I bet you did, but I had to throw that one in.) I am dismayed. Our "president" continues to ask for blank checks to fund defense and rebuilding in Iraq (did you know that Cheney and Rumsfeld did not relinquish their holdings in major corporations involved in the rebuilding in Iraq? I bet you didn't) but will not sign a bill that will provide healthcare to more children in the United States. He claims that it will cost too much. That's right, it will cost too much. Since when is Bush concerned about government costs? Then again, since when has he been concerned with children? Or anything that didn't benefit him personally? I know it looks unlikely that Congress will muster enough votes to override a veto but it is important enough for them to try. I am glad they are trying to push for increased healthcare for children. The way I see it is as an investment in the future. Studies show that better helathcare for children will lead to increased health in their later years. Logically, that will decrease the strain on the healthcare system in the future. On the other hand, by having the government provide healthcare for children, it will be difficult for government officials to pay back political favors to the insurance lobby. So logically, Bush has to veto this bill. Am I too cynical?


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