Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008 - Evan Is Back to School

This week Evan has gone back to school. It is hard to believe that he is in 2nd grade already! His teach is Mrs. Edwards, he says she is nice. He will have homework every week, which is a BIG change from last year where he practically had no homework at all. But this is good, I am glad he has homework. I was a little nervous about Monday. I anticipated Evan would be very difficult to get to school through all the crying and complaining since that is how he went to bed Sunday night. But much to my surprise, he got excited about going. His big thing was that he wanted to find out who would be sitting at his table with him. I was glad he was able to find something positive and he stuck with that. It definitely made my morning easier. Today went off just as well, in fact, maybe a little easier. He woke up early, which I was not happy to see since I wanted every minute of sleep I could get this morning. On the bright side, I didn't have to spend any time waking him up and we got started earlier (I even got him to school on time today, he was late yesterday). This afternoon we bought him some new cleats for soccer, tomorrow is his first practice or the season.

Now that Evan is back at school, I will be going to the gym every morning straight from dropping him off. I have been sticking with the plan laid out by the physical trainer I met with but I some how don't feel like I am doing enough. I feel my routine lacks variety. That is to say, I work on cardio everyday (which I am supposed to do) but every other day I alternate between exercises and lower aerobic cardio versus high aerobic cardio only. I am thinking about adding a few exercises for my abs on the high cardio days and see how I respond to it.

I have also begun some school work. All new textbooks this year is going to make things a little more challenging but will also force me to rely less on the textbooks and focus more on student directed inquiry. We'll see how that goes. I also finished book 7 of Harry Potter (again). It was the only one I hadn't read twice so I had to have another go. I did have to read book 6 again before book 7, so now I have read book 6 thrice. Now that I am done, I believe the books will sit on the book shelf until Evan is old enough and desires to read them.

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