Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 19, 2008: More Beach

In case you don't know me, I can't stand the beach. The sand is everywhere, nothing is ever truly dry, the sun burns. I can't stand it. So when I woke up this morning to find that it was raining, and would most likely do so most of the day, let's just say I was relieved. So we went to Kure Beach and had breakfast at a little corner restaurant, the kind with little more than a dozen tables, near a dozen people waiting, and plenty of homemade food. This little spot was Dan's suggestion, who was also eating breakfast their with his family and sister's family (who are in town from California) and his father. With the weather dreary, went headed down the road a short distance to the aquarium. It was a nice aquarium, Evan, Aidan, and Dan's nieces Sarah and Jenny enjoyed all that there was to see. It seems that both Evan and Sarah share an interest in marine life, they were following each other throughout the aquarium. Not long after we returned to the hotel, the weather cleared enough to down to the beach. I chose not to, which is giving me the time to upload pictures and write this post. I can everyone at the beach from the balcony here, but I can also see the clouds getting darker and drawing nearer to the shore. I don't think they will be down there much longer.

This weekend's pictures have been added to My Photo Album:
Carolina Beach (July 17-20)

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