Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18, 2008: Carolina Beach

Earlier this week, Michelle made the plans to head to the beach. She has been desperately needing this trip, and here we are, Carolina Beach. The weather is awesome, not too hot, and of course, it is the summer, so not cold. We arrived yesterday about 3pm and hit the beach within 20 minutes of checking in. We spent a few hours on the beach, came back upstairs to shower then went to town to get some flip flops for me and some dinner. We scoped out what appeared to a good seafood place, and it was confirmed by the wait, but we did not stay to critique the food. So we went next door to Wings, bought some flip flops and beach pull over for Michelle. Then we hit Pop's Diner for some chicken fingers and hot dogs, went out to the boardwalk and tooled around until 9pm for the fireworks on the beach. Back at the hotel, we just chilled out, watched tv, took pictures of the moon, and then hit the hay.

This morning we woke up to sunny skies that quickly darkened and dumped a lot of rain in a short time. Fortunately this hotel has an indoor pool, and that is where we stayed dry, so to speak. Once the rain stopped and the skies cleared we spent the rest of the day on the beach (which amounted to six hours) and then went back to the indoor pool at 4:30pm, until about 5:45. So here we are getting ready to head out to dinner listening to the band play at the tiki hut on the pier right outside our window. Very nice. I will upload some pictures soon.

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